"April showers bring May flowers". I thought that opening quote would be more then appropriate for this special piece I had to share with you all. It's been a minute since I did a blog since I am a busy bee and always doing a million and one things at one time. This past April was an inspiring month filled with SHOWERS of LOVE, REBIRTH and most of all SELF REALIZATION! As most of you know I am involved with a support system and they are called TEAM TRUE BEAUTY.
Team True Beauty is a support system that works to empower from
within. We tell the youth it is the size of their heart that matters,
not their waist line. We want young women and men to know that they
don't have to look a certain way before achieving their dreams. Your
looks don't define you; your heart, your actions, your goals, and your
dreams do. We spread the message that everyone is worthy no matter
what, help to build inner confidence, raise awareness on the dangers
of eating disorders and promote the importance of feeling comfortable
in your own skin. Feeling confident about their body and who they are
as a person as well as teaching people to embrace their uniqueness is
our main goal.
I was able to attend an event that Team True Beauty held a while back in Hollywood, CA and fell in love with their inspiring message they have shared with the whole world. As an actor it is beyond vital for me to share with my friends and family and fan base that beauty is from within ones soul. I consistently have to deal with the struggles like we all do on a daily basis about self esteem, weight, and most of all feeling 100% secure about myself inside and out. I try to instill with in my online social media community that beauty is in the eye of the beholder and that no matter what anyone says to YOU that YOU are enough and that YOU are beautiful, a precious being of GOD and that we are all already PERFECT no matter where we are in our life or what we look like. People always ask me Alisa how do you stay secure within yourself? To be honest I pray and thank GOD for having a blessed support system. I try to surround myself with positive enforcement and always try to look on the brighter side. Plus thinking before one speaks is a must because we as humans are always on the GO and we don't take a minute to STOP and BREATH and actually SMELL THE ROSES! If we took a second to realize what we say to others could effect their self esteem their day or their LIFE. Its up to us to be the captain of our ship and to stay clear of negativity and to embrace the not so perfect because in LIFE nothing is 100% perfect. I think having a flaw even if its small is very attractive. That is why I am a supporter of TEAM TRUE BEAUTY. Please follow them on twitter and online to stay posted about future events.
I recently spoke on a TEAM TRUE BEAUTY Panel in California this past month and had the pleasure of meeting a new friend of mine by the name of TAYRIN.
Tayrin has a very emotional and touching story that she shared with us at the Team True Beauty panel and had the chance to speak on the panel with us where she shared her story and how DEARTAYRIN came about.
"DearTayrin" is a non profit organization who's purpose is to raise awareness and educate on sexual abuse while empowering those victimized throughout the Western New York area and abroad by providing awareness events, educational classes and other forms of support. DearTayrin was founded in April of 2012 and since then has had numerous things happen such as:
June-July of 2012 - An educational class with the CEM After school program. The group consisted of 15 girls (Age groups of 12-15) and out of those 15 girls - 12 girls came out with their own struggles and issues in life.
August of 2012 - Awareness Event which was held at Spot Coffee with over 50 attendees, 5 musicians, 2 scheduled to say their own story and 1 unscheduled gave her own story right at the event.
First Twitter Chat w/ then Miss NY and Now Miss America Mallory Hagan which was a collaboration and A twitter chat w/ Mr. Gay Buffalo 2012.
Amount of followers between Facebook and Twitter has grown to over 600 within the first year.
My goal this year is to continue to educate myself, do speaking engagements, create support groups (right now i have in mind to do a coffee time support group for victims including a licensed counselor who's on board w/ DearTayrin)
Here is the link to the first DearTayrin event -http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=nHeVhpRcl44
Please follow DearTayrin at:
Facebook: www.facebook.com/deartayrin
Twitter: www.twitter.com/dear-tayrin
Here is also the link to Tayrin's story when she spoke to the Team True Beauties at the panel they recently had, please share on in hopes to touch someone else.
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=O4nGamoAlCMTeam True
Tayrin is an amazing individual. I am beyond impressed with her inner strength and courage it took for her to share not only her story to us at the Team True Beauty panel but to the world. Many people on a daily basis deal with abuse in many different ways and DearTayrin's message touched my soul to the core. That I had to share these two great support systems with you all. Please follow DearTayrin online and help spread the word you may know someone or maybe you YOURSELF has struggled with abuse. Please know that you are not alone and with the on going help and support of DearTayrin you can help share your story with others and finally seek that closure and retain the help that you need to help get you to your next chapter in life.
If you would like to be a DearTayrin Advocate please read the following below:
"Tayrin and myself at the TEAM TRUE BEAUTY PANEL"

A DearTayrin advocate will have to be a high profile person that is in full support of the cause and wouldn't mind dedicating a short amount of time in either answering tweets or emails. (All tweets and emails will be monitored by DearTayrin) The advocate would be required to sign a volunteer agreement. Also, the individual would be a representation to DearTayrin so the individual would also have to try to be at any DearTayrin events. Which right now are only happening once a year other than that it's educational programs which in that case if the individual wanted to they could send words of encouragement to the group in some way. Maybe doing some short video clips giving words of encouragement or speaking about DearTayrin campaigns, etc. They have an advising counsel who is on board so they would be able to draft up a volunteer agreement that would be signed to volunteer for the campaign and after one year if the individual wants to stay on board then they can go from there.
Closing Message:
At the end of the day it is up to us to be tuned in to our feelings and the feelings of others. To be a positive light and product of your own world and environment. Help spread the word about these two amazing support groups. All it takes is one person and that one person could be YOU!
Yours Truly,
Alisa Reyes